Our Renovations
20 Leonard, Bedford, Ohio
This property is located in one of the safest cities in Ohio
- Total transaction cost, including all the expenses and renovation: 82,500 $
- Monthly income: 1,100 $
- Vacancy rate: 5%
- Yearly Property tax: 2,600 $
- Yearly insurance cost: 600 $
- Yearly management fee: 8 %
- Yearly maintenance: 800 $
- Net profit – Yearly: 7,442 $
- Annual returns: 9.02%
7465 Oakhill, Bedford, Ohio
This property is located in one of the safest cities in Ohio
- Total transaction cost, including all the expenses and renovation: 88,500 $
- Monthly income: 1,100 $
- Vacancy rate: 5%
- Yearly Property tax: 1,572 $
- Yearly insurance cost: 650 $
- Yearly management fee: 8 %
- Yearly maintenance: 800 $
- Net profit – Yearly: 8,312 $
- Annual returns: 9.39%
15610 Eleanore, Cleveland, Ohio
This property is located in a rapidly developing area in West Cleveland
- Total transaction cost, including all the expenses and renovation: 96,000 $
- Monthly income: 1,100 $
- Vacancy rate: 5%
- Yearly Property tax: 1,120 $
- Yearly insurance cost: 600 $
- Yearly management fee: 8 %
- Yearly maintenance: 800 $
- Net profit – Yearly: 8,880 $
- Annual returns: 9.25%